Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reverb #10~ December 7th

December 7 Prompt

Author: Cali Harris



Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

I have discovered community at Jessica Sprague's website. I have been a scrapper since around 1998. I had dabbled in digital off and on since around 2002. After having Josie and wanting to be able to "keep up" with her scrapbooks, I started taking some courses online. Jessica Sprague's site is where I "hang out" alot. I am not "caught up" but I do have all of 2009 photos done. And am slowly going back and doing 2008 as I also try to keep up with 2010.

For 2011 I would love to join a digital scrapbook forum that has the products that I am actually drawn to and that I would purchase myself if I had the money. I would also like to join a photo group of some sort that shares my same interests and can teach and learn together. I did ClickinMom's for a while but it was almost too much for me.

Hey I think in some of these last Reverb #10's I am coming up with some New Year's Resolutions! :-)

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