Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another day another dollar! Still no baby. Last night we had awful storms and I am so tired. Ever since the tree fell on the deck we are both paranoid of it happening again. That and Mike I think is being protective and makes me go downstairs if it's getting questionable. We went down twice last night. I told him if I had to go down again I was going to sleep on the floor. We need to just buy a blow up mattress and when that happens just sleep down there.
My restless legs last night were awful and then the storms and Mike had the TV on and so I watched it and I wasn't really tired. Well I'm making up for it today. I'm hoping when I hit the pillows tonight I can go straight to sleep. The last time I looked at the clock this morning I think it was 2:45.
This morning when I got up and got in the shower I started feeling pukey. Well lovely, I puked again. I have made it this whole time without actually throwing up and I've done it twice now. And it is so weird too cause you don't actually puke anything up. Kind of like you are puking up spit. Mikey had to get me a glass of water and then I puked it up. After about 5 minutes it finally went away and I could finish my shower. Mom said that she puked when she was going into labor with me. Well it didn't work last week when I threw up but maybe today it will! :-)
I done some scrapping yesterday and these are the pages I got done.

Well that's it for now! Maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow, maybe I won't!

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