Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Granny's 80th Party & Crying Babies

We were suppose to have celebrated Granny's 80th birthday with a surprise birthday party on her actual birthday of January 15th. However, she woke up that morning and went to the doctor with the flu. Therefore Dad called everyone on the list to cancel. Then called them all back last week to reschedule for this Saturday. Pat Campbell took her to Greenwood for the morning and then brought her to church to be surprised. She even walked in with Uncle Richard and still had no clue what was going on.
We had a great turn out and great fun, seeing cousins we hadn't seen in a while.

Josie had a lot of fun playing with all the younger ones. Especially Gabe & Beth's youngest. She wanted to hold her so bad, thankfully she let her. They were both too cute. And Josie told me she liked this baby and pointed towards another un-named baby and said "that one cries, this one doesn't". Josie you are too funny!!

So, thank you Baby "E" for not crying!

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