Friday, June 4, 2010

Beginning of Summer

I don't know why but to Me, June is the beginning of summer. For some it's May and if you go by the calendar it's not until June 21st. But June has always meant the beginning of summer to me.
Josie has been quite the stinkpot lately. I don't know what is going on with her, but Mommy is about ready to pull her hair out. She wants me ALL THE TIME!!! I have to be holding her or she has to be sitting on my lap. I don't know if it's teeth coming in, her not feeling good, the heat or just that clingy stage but it is about to wear me out. It's hard carrying around a 32 pound child on your hip all day long. If I try to sit her down she takes her legs and tries to grab on so that I can't. Don't get me wrong I love that she wants Mommy but sometimes I wish she would want Daddy! :-)
Tuesday night, I tried to weed the flower bed and that lasted all but 5 minutes. Instead she and I ended up on the 4 wheeler. Then Chris came over to help Daddy work on the Jeep and she made him take her for a ride.

She did let me get my camera out to play a little though and I got this one of her in the bottoms sitting on the 4 wheeler.

We then took a ride down to Mike & Tanya's so she could play with the girls. She had fun down there once she warmed up and Mommy got a little break. Abby kept asking when she would get to come babysit so I told her I would pick her up on my way home Wednesday night and she could "babysit" Josie and I would weed my flowers.
And this time it lasted about 30 minutes. With crying about every 5 minutes in between. I finally just gave up and went to sit with the girls on the deck while they played.

This is Abby calling her Mommy to tell her to bring Lollipops for Josie because everytime she would start crying Abby would tell her she would get her a sucker. But we don't have suckers.

Mommy making Josie give Abby a hug after she hit her. I don't know why! But my daughter is a bully! )Couldn't be from me!)

Then Abby's Pappy came up to get her because he had a surprise and this was it.

It had just been born. When we got down there to see it, it was standing but you could still see her sac laying there. This is Josie's first time of seeing a baby pony. She liked her and wanted to get down to go see it but Mommy wouldn't let her.

Then the girls had to get their 4-H Goats out and take them for a walk. They let Josie lead Abby's back to the barn. His name was Sparky. She told Maddie that she was "I alk Dog!". She did really good with it and even gave ole Sparky a kiss before putting him up.

Needless to say she was gross by the time we got home. Even "Pappy" came and gave her two suckers. So we had sucker and goat hair all over us! Yum Yum!!!

Yesterday she went to Aunt 'Chelle's and after nap they got out the kids' new water slide and played on it. Josie is quite the daredevil. Doesn't phase her a bit to go down the slide like the big kids.

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