Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another layout I made. I bought this outfit for Riley when he was little and it was always my favorite. Looked like a little clown jailbird. Anyway, Michelle saved it and used it for Kayla and now Josie got to wear it also. Looked just as cute on her!
Yesterday morning, I stayed home with Josie because Michelle had to go to Riley's school for visitor day. Mom had a mammogram so I took off. Josie and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The little girl took an hour and forty-five minute nap and didn't even stir. I had to wake her up so that we could leave for me to meet Michelle so I could go to work. It made me sad that she was sleeping so good because she doesn't do that with Michelle. But I know the reason she doesn't is because she has to much to watch up there. And like Mom reminded me, I have to work to pay bills so Josie has a bed to sleep in. And that she would get bored if she was always at home and I would also. Which I know I would get bored. I guess it would just be easier if I could stay home if I wanted to. Right now I have no option and have to work so it makes it harder I think.
We have been having sleeping issues again. She is getting up about every other hour. It's starting to wear on me. I'm yawning all day long. The last two nights about 2:30 in the morning I give up and she comes to bed with us. I know I'm not helping the situation but at 2:30 in the morning that's the logical thing for me to do. She'll survive!
I think we are finally getting over her cold. Her nose isn't as runny anymore and she doesn't cough near as much. She still sounds like she has mucus in there when she does cough but it seems to be going away.
The weather is starting to warm up and tomorrow we are going to Edinburgh! I am so excited. This is the first time in over a year that I have taken off of work and it's not been for a Dr appointment. So I plan on having a good time. I'm just hoping it doesn't rain. I'm also hoping we can find her some winter pajamas for her to wear this summer. Our basement is always freezing when the air is on and the little girl won't sleep in normal pajamas now with the heat on. So I know when it's cold this summer she's gonna want the warm fuzzy ones. I am also going to look for some new clothes. I think I can finally buy her some outfits. She got so many for her shower I haven't really had the option of buying her any cause she didn't need them. I packed up so many that were never wore and that made me sad. I'm going to put them on Ebay though and hopefully sell them. If they do then I will use that money and replenish her closet for her. I think she's about out of 9 month clothes and needs to be wearing 12 months. So I'm going to look for some of them tomorrow. We'll see how it goes! Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

aheacox13 said...

Did you get anything fun at Edinburg? I love that place! Is Miss Josie feeling better? Addison is sleeping and eating normally again..thank goodness. I can't figure out what causes the sleep disturbances..still no signs of teeth..