Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yeah! I finally remembered to bring in the memory card from the camera to post some pics.

The only thing new with Josie is that she is rolling over on her side now. She done it a couple times last week in her sleep but Tuesday when I got to Grandma Glodyne's, Riley came running to me and told me Josie had rolled over on her side. I've gotten to see her do it a few times now. Still haven't had the camera there though to get a picture of that accomplishment.

I got her laughing really good last night at Mom's. I had her laying on the floor and I was standing over her and flipping my head, that made my hair flip over and she thought that was hilarious. I had already started the car but I couldn't quit doing it cause it was so darn cute to hear her laugh. So I'm sure we ran a few gallons out until she was done with Mommy being silly. It's only money, right?!

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving and I am so nervous about it. Josie does not like noise and I can't get her to take naps when it is noisey. So I am not looking forward to having to go places. But I am looking forward to spending 4 days in a row with her, all day long. I miss her so much having to work! Maybe one of these days!!!

Anyway, that's it for now. Here's the pics:

Her gripping her Tigger in the carseat.
Her first time in her bouncer.
Such a pretty smile!!!

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