I have been getting everything caught up with my Creative Teams. Not necessarily caught up but Stephanne from Snips & Snails has been on a roll, so I've been completing a lot of pages for her. I like being on these teams because it makes me get over my "scrappers block". Because I HAVE to do the pages for them by a deadline.
I've almost got all of my ACDSee program organized. At least what I had on my EHD, don't know if I'm going to go through my old CD's and put them on there as well or not. They are old and my styles have changed as well as what is "in style".
I got all of Nathan and Emily's wedding photos edited and ordered for them. So now all I will have to do is the enlargements.
I had a Pampered Chef show and was kind of talked into selling it. So I just signed my agreement with them tonight. I don't know why I continue to load stuff on to myself but I am hoping that I do enjoy doing this. I know I enjoy cooking and all of the trinkets that go along with it. And I need a reason to make myself get out of the house and socialize.
Now on to Josie: (at 2 years and almost 3 months)
She has gone back to not using the potty. She wants to wear big girl panties but won't quit peeing in her panties. Yes she makes it sometimes but more often than not it is too late. And the pooping is a whole other story. Now when she poops in her diaper, she won't sit down until you change her. I'm thinking over Thanksgiving break we are going to try the panties again and I'm thinking of taking the diapers away. We shall see!
She is singing all of her ABC's and sings them the right way.
She loves to sing. Her favorites right now are:
Jesus Loves Me
Baby Girl (which she calls Baby Baby)
Celebration (still)
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
and she likes the Chicken Dance song but wants to know "when it come on?" because there are no words in the song.
She loves talking on the phone and you can hear her carrying on conversations pretending to either be talking to "uncle", Mama's or Papa's, Nana, and Daddy.
She absolutely loves baby dolls. She will pick them up and tell them "it's okay" as she is bouncing to "shush" them.
Still loves Elmo but is starting to venture out to other movies now. Right now her tops are Toy Story and Fraggle Rock, what she calls "Marley, Marley" which are the Muppet movies and at Mama Carole's she likes to watch Barbie.
She loves books. She will now take a book and a doll with her when we leave to go somewhere and Tigger is now left at home. She enjoys "cat in the hat" books as she calls them. Which Dr Seuss is Mom's favorite.
Daddy takes her to bed every night if he is home. They go lay in the bed and watch football. On the nights that I have to put her to bed, she gets mad because I take her to her bed and we don't watch TV.
She was on a really back kick of saying "butthead" thanks to Uncle Nathan. But I think we may have it kicked. Now she likes to call everyone "brats". I tell her she is a brat, Mom's a brat and Dad's a brat and it's fun to be a brat. When she tells someone else that she is a brat, they argue with her and I think that is what has made "butthead" go by the wayside.